General Conditions

General terms and conditions of contracting combined trips

  1. Details of the Travel Planner and scope of the General Terms and Conditions

The Travel Planner of the combined trips offered is the entity VIAJES ARENA TOURS SL with Tax ID number B-84916337 and domicile at Paseo de la Castellana 259-C, Floor 18, 28046 of Madrid . VIAJES ARENA TOURS SL is registered in C.I.C.M.A with the number 2129.

These General Terms and Conditions are part of all the combined travel contracts subscribed by the Travel Planner and oblige the parties with the particular conditions established in the contract and especially with those included in the Programme-Budget and in those which appear in the travel documentation provided to the Traveller.

These General Terms and Conditions are subject to the provisions of Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, of November 16, which approves the consolidated text of the General Law for the Defence of Consumers and Users and other complementary laws, and the Law 7/1998, of April 13, on General Conditions of Contract.

  1. Contracting Process

2.1 Pre-contractual Information

As requested by the Traveller to hire a custom combined trip and prior to hiring it, VIAJES ARENA TOURS SL will prepare a Programme-Budget that will include the description of the main characteristics of the trip.

In addition, the general information about the passport and visa requirements will be provided to the Traveller, including the approximate time to obtain them as well as the sanitary procedures for the trip and stay, and advice on the optional subscription of an insurance that covers Cancellation expenses  arising in the event that the traveller decides to terminate the contract for a reason covered by the policy, and / or assistance insurance that covers repatriation expenses in case of accident, illness or death.

The information will be completed with a copy of these General Contracting Terms and Conditions with the standardized information form related to the Combined Trip included in the Consumers and Users Law.

2.2 Programme-Budget and Contract

The Programme-Budget will include the main characteristics of the trip together with the price, which will be detailed in the contract and will also include the payment methods, the minimum number of people needed to make the trip and the deadlines to which are referred in the article 160.3 a) of Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, on the Protection of Consumers and Users.

The Programme-Budget prepared will be understood as binding for the Travel Planner or retailer unless any of the following circumstances occurs:

That the changes in said information have been clearly communicated, understandably, prominently and in durable medium, in writing to the consumer before the final confirmation of the reservation.

That after the confirmation of the reservation there are modifications, that they are accepted by the Traveller in accordance with the provisions of these general terms and conditions.

The Travel Planner and, where appropriate, the retail agency, before concluding the combined travel contract, will communicate to the Traveller in a clear, understandable and prominent way via a durable medium, all the changes of the pre-contractual information.

2.3 Reservation Request.

On the basis of the Programme-Budget prepared, the Traveller will communicate to the Travel Planner or, where appropriate, to the retailer, the confirmed reservation request for the Combined Trip. After this request, the organizing agency undertakes to carry out the necessary steps to manage it before its suppliers.

At the time of the reservation request, the Traveller will pay the advance required by the Travel Planner, which in no case will be more than 50% of the total amount of the trip, unless there are less than 30 days left before the departure date or if there has been an agreement with the client another form of payment.

The amount of the advance will be detailed in the Proforma Invoice that is provided for this purpose, informing simultaneously of the proposed payment schedule. If the reservation is confirmed, the amount delivered will be deducted from the price of the trip.

Once the advance has been paid, the Travel Planner will manage the firm reservation with its suppliers and will immediately notify the Traveller if any reservation is unsuccessful due to lack of availability, proposing for this purpose alternative services. If the Traveller rejects the proposed alternative services, the entire amount paid will be refunded.

2.4 Reservation Confirmation

Once the final reservation process has been completed with the suppliers, the reservation made will be confirmed to the Traveller, at which time the combined travel contract will be mandatory for both parties.

If the consumer withdraws their reservation request before the final confirmation, he will be reimbursed the amount deposited, deducting, where appropriate, the reasonable management costs.

2.5 Signing of the Contract

Once the reservation is confirmed, the Travel contract will be immediately signed, including the General Terms and Conditions and the Programme-Budget prepared, as well as the standardized information for the combined travel contracts. Once the reservation confirmation advance has been paid and the contract signed by the client, the Travel Planner will also sign the contract and issue the invoice corresponding to the amount paid by the Traveller.

2.6 Final payment of outstanding amounts and delivery of Travel documents

The Traveller will pay the outstanding amounts within the terms included in the contract signed.

Aviation tickets must be paid at the time of execution of the reservation. This date is imposed by the different airlines and will be notified to the customer at the time of the service confirmation.

If any of the contracted services had Special Payment Conditions, they must be included in the Programme-Budget detailed in the combined travel contract (for example, in the holiday season, and on special dates / services, the payment terms may be more restrictive, having to pay 100% of the trip earlier than usual.)

Once the last payment has been made, according to the committed payment schedule, which must be made no later than 30 days before departure, all travel documents, bonds, coupons, receipts, vouchers and tickets necessary for the provision of services will be delivered to the Traveller .

If the total price of the trip is not paid under the conditions indicated, it will be understood that the consumer gives up the requested trip, applying the proposed terms for the resolution of the trip by the Traveller before the departure foreseen in Clause 4.2.

  1. Scope of contracted services.

3.1 Services included in the Combined Trip

The Combined Trip includes everything that’s expressly included in the accepted Programme-Budget, and in particular:

Transportation to and from the final destination, when this service is included in the accepted budget. The type of transport contracted, its characteristics and category will be included in the Programme-Budget. If the characteristics and category are not specified, it will be understood that they are contracted in standard category and flights in tourist class.

The accommodation, when this service is included in the accepted budget. Unless otherwise indicated, the Programme-Budget collects the price calculated per person with accommodation in a standard double room and in the dietary regime included therein.

The rates or taxes of transport and hotel establishments.

Indirect taxes (VAT, IGIC) when applicable.

All other services and supplements that are specifically specified in the accepted Programme-Budget.

3.2 Services excluded from the Combined Trip

The following services are expressly excluded.

Obtaining visas and vaccination certificates.

“Extras” such as coffees, wines, spirits, mineral waters, special dietary regimes – not even in the case of full-board or half-board – unless expressly specified in the Programme-Budget, as well as-, laundry and ironing of clothes, optional hotel services, and, in general, any other service that does not expressly appear in the budget, in the invoice or in the documentation that is delivered to the consumer when accepting the budget.

Excursions or optional visits: In the case of excursions or optional visits that are hired at destination, it should be borne in mind that they are not part of the combined travel contract. Its mention in the budget is merely informative and its price has been estimated in an estimated way. Therefore, at the time of hiring at the destination, variations may occur on their costs, which alter the estimated price. On the other hand, these excursions will be offered to the Traveller with their specific conditions and independent definitive price, not guaranteeing until the moment of their hiring the possible realization of these.


Special rates for the protection of the environment, tourist fees or taxes that accrue or may accrue in the contracted destinations that are of a special nature and are outside the usual general rates on combined trips.

Services not included in the “all inclusive” scheme depending on the specific offer of the selected hotel.

  1. Transfer and cancellation of the trip by the Traveller before the commencement of the trip.

4.1 Transfer of the reservation:

The Traveller may assign the combined travel contract to a person who meets all the conditions applicable to the Combined Travel.

The assignment must be previously communicated to the Travel Planner or, where appropriate, to the retailer, in a durable medium, with a reasonable advance of at least seven calendar days prior to the beginning of the combined trip.

The assignor of the contract and the assignee shall be jointly and severally liable to respond to the Travel Planner the pending payment amount of the agreed price, as well as any commission, surcharge or other additional costs arising from the assignment. Such costs must be reasonable and, in any case, will not exceed the costs actually borne by the Travel Planner.

4.2 Withdrawal of the contract by the Traveller before departure.

At any time, the consumer or user may withdraw from the requested or contracted services, having the right to the return of the amounts that they have paid, but they must indemnify the Travel Planner in the amounts indicated below:

  1. Pay 100% of the management fees (equivalent to 10% of the trip price)
  2. Pay 100% of the expenses of the contracted insurance.
  3. Aviation services: 100% of the aviation services, except in those companies / air fares that allow refunds and return of fees. In general terms, the regular scheduled air transport offered in the price is in the basic class that the airlines have for the tour operators, which are limited by the airlines in tourist class for sale by the Travel Planners of combined trips, with reduced rates that are subject to special contracting conditions, with restrictions that in most cases do not allow refunds, reservation changes or the possibility of endorsement of tickets. If and when requesting a reservation, there are no places in that class, the places in another class with a higher rate or with another airline other than the one offered may be paid with an extra supplement. In this case, the cancellation expenses will be those that correspond to the contracted air fare.
  4. Land services: (includes hotels, resorts, internal transport, circuits …). The cancellation of land services is determined by the specific cancellation policies of each of the service providers that are contracted, which are usually determined with reference to the advance with which the cancellation occurs and the date on which the trip is made (season).

In some hotels / resorts during the Christmas season and in some specific accommodations / services, throughout the year or in special seasons, more restrictive cancellation conditions than usual may apply that can reach 100% of the price of the services.

Unless more restrictive conditions are indicated in the contract, the withdrawal will entail the following penalties: 40% if the withdrawal occurs more than 28 and less than 40 days before the date of commencement of the trip; 70% if the withdrawal occurs between 27 and 22 days prior to the start date of the trip. When the withdrawal occurs 21 days or less before departure the penalty will be 100% of the trip contracted.

  1. Excursions, tickets, shows, etc. originally contracted as an integral part of the combined trip, such as those acquired by the consumer at the destination of the Organizing Agency itself, will be governed in relation to the expenses for cancellation due to their specific conditions. If no mention is made of this in the contract, the penalty will be 100% of its amount if the Traveller does not show up to them.

In the case of land services with more restrictive cancellation conditions, those expenses that have effectively been produced in accordance with the policy of the Hotel / Resort and additional contracted land service providers will be passed on, as detailed in the specific conditions of the contract.

4.4 Modifications of the Contract at the request of the Traveller before departure.

If at any time prior to the departure date, the Traveller wishes to request changes referring to the destinations, the means of transport, the duration, the calendar, the itinerary of the contracted trip or to any other matters related thereto and the Travel Planner can make them, this may require payment of the justified additional expenses caused by said modification.

4.5 Assignment procedure, contract modification and cancellation

The reservation can be assigned, modified or cancelled by sending an e-mail to This communication must be received to the Agency on weekdays from Monday to Friday from 09:00 to 14:00, to be considered effective. Failing that, the date of communication of the transfer or modification of the reservation will be understood as effective from the next business day.

  1. Modification and cancellation of the trip by the Travel Planner.

5.1 Price review.

The price of the combined trip has been calculated on the basis of currency exchange rates, transportation price derived from fuel or other energy sources as well as the level of taxes or fees on travel services included in the contract required by third parties that are not directly involved in the execution of the combined trip, including fees, taxes and tourist surcharges, landing and boarding or disembarking at ports and airports, applicable on the date of acceptance of the Programme-Budget.

Any variation in the price of the aforementioned elements may result in the revision of the final price of the trip, both upwards and downwards, in the strict amounts of the price variations mentioned.

In no case, will the price be revised upwards in the twenty days prior to the date of departure of the trip and in no case will the review take place in the event that the Traveller has already paid the total price of the trip.

These modifications will be notified to the Traveller in writing or by any means in a clear and understandable way that allows for proof of the communication made, which they may, when the modification made is significant (greater than 8%), withdraw from the trip without any penalty or accept the modification of the contract.

5.2 Travel Modifications before departure by the Travel Planner

5.2.1. Modification of non-significant elements

The Travel Planner reserves the right to unilaterally modify non-significant elements of the combined trip that are necessary for the success of the trip prior to the commencement of the combined trip, and must inform the Traveller of such modification, which must be accepted by the Traveller without the right of withdrawal and / or compensation.

5.2.2 Substantial Modifications

In the event that, before the departure of the trip, the Travel Planner is obliged to substantially modify some of the main characteristics of the trip services and / or could not meet any of the special needs expressly accepted by the Travel Planner in the contract or proposed the increase in the price of the combined trip by more than 8%, they must immediately inform the Traveller, proposing, where appropriate, a Substitute Combined Trip and its price, if possible of equivalent or higher quality.

In such case, and unless the parties agree otherwise, the Traveller may choose between terminating the contract without penalty, or accept a modification of the contract that specifies the variations introduced and its impact on the price. The Traveller that terminates the combined travel contract may also accept a Substitute Combined Trip offered by the Travel Planner or, where appropriate, the retailer, if possible of equivalent or superior quality.

The Traveller must communicate the decision taken to the Travel Planner, or the retailer, if applicable, within three days of being notified of the modification.

In the event that the Traveller does not notify their decision within the indicated terms, it will be understood that he opts for the termination of the contract without penalty. If the Traveller continues contracting with the solutions given, it will be considered that he tacitly accepts these proposals.

In the event that the Traveller chooses to terminate the contract, they will be entitled to the same rights as those collected for the event of cancellation of the trip by the Travel Planner listed in the following section.

5.3 Trip Cancellation before departure by the Travel Planner

The Travel Planner and, where appropriate, the retailer may cancel the contract and reimburse the Traveller for all the payments they have made, but will not be responsible for any additional compensation if:

Cancellation is attributable to the Traveller,

The number of people registered for the combined trip is less than the minimum number specified in the contract and the Travel Planner or, where appropriate, the retailer, notifies the Traveller of the cancellation within the period established in the contract that will be:

1st twenty calendar days prior to the start of the combined trip in the case of trips longer than six days

2nd seven calendar days prior to the start of the combined trip in the case of trips between two and six days long

3rd forty-eight hours before the start of the combined trip in the case of trips of less than the duration of two days, or

The Travel Planner is unable to execute the contract due to unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances and cancellation is notified to the Traveller without undue delay before the start of the combined trip.

If the Travel Planner cancels the combined trip before the agreed departure date for any reason that is not attributable to the Traveller, he will be entitled, from the moment the contract is terminated, to the reimbursement of all amounts paid, in accordance with, or to the accomplishment of another combined trip of equivalent or superior quality, provided that the Travel Planner or retailer can propose it. In the event that the trip offered is of inferior quality, the Travel Planner or retailer must reimburse the Traveller, where appropriate, depending on the amounts already paid, the price difference, according to the contract.

If the Traveller opts for the contractual resolution, the Travel Planner will proceed to reimburse all payments made within a period of 14 days and, where appropriate, to pay compensation that will be 5 percent of the total price of the contracted trip, if the aforementioned breach occurs between two months and fifteen days immediately prior to the planned date of travel; 10 percent if it occurs between the previous fifteen days and three days, and 25 percent in the event that the aforementioned breach occurs in the previous forty-eight hours.

5.4 Travel Modification after Departure

5.4.1 Modifications of non-significant elements

The Travel Planner reserves the right to unilaterally modify non-significant elements of the combined trip that are necessary for the success of the trip once the trip has begun, modifications that must be accepted by the Traveller without compensation.

5.4.2 Modification of substantial elements of the Trip

In the event that, after the departure of the trip, the Travel Planner does not procure or verify that it cannot provide a significant part of the services stipulated in the contract, it will adopt the appropriate alternative arrangements for the continuation of the organized trip, without any supplement of price for the consumer, and, where appropriate, will pay the latter the amount of the difference between the benefits provided and those delivered.

The Traveller may only reject the proposed alternative arrangements if they are not comparable to what was agreed in the combined travel contract or if the price reduction granted is inadequate.

If the consumer continues the journey with the solutions given by the Travel Planner, they will be considered as tacitly accepting such proposals.

If the solutions adopted by the Travel Planner are not feasible or the Traveller does not accept them for reasonable reasons, and the trip includes the transport of passengers, the latter must provide the latter, without any additional cost, a means of transport equivalent to that used in the trip to return to the place of departure or to any other that both have agreed, without prejudice to the compensation that may apply.

  1. Traveller’s obligation to report any breach in the execution of the contract.

The Traveller is obliged to communicate any deficiency or breach in the execution of the contract as soon as they are aware of it by sending an email to the Travel Planner at as well as to their local agent and, where appropriate, to the service provider in question, by using the contact numbers and addresses indicated in the travel documentation, so that the relevant measures can be adopted for solutions or propose alternatives to the breaches or deficiencies revealed. Failure to comply with this obligation may determine the exclusion of the responsibility of the Travel Planner.

In any case, the Traveller must take the necessary and reasonable measures to try to reduce the damages that may arise from the non-execution or deficient execution of the contract, and therefore  is responsible of the damages that cause due to not having adopted said measures.

  1. Obligation of the Travel Planner to give Assistance to the Traveller

The Travel Planner and the retailer that are party to the combined travel contract will be obliged to provide the necessary assistance to the Traveller who is in difficulty.

The Travel Planner, and where appropriate the retailer, may invoice a reasonable surcharge for such assistance if the difficulty has been caused intentionally or by negligence of the Traveller. This surcharge will in no case exceed the actual costs incurred by the Travel Planner or the retailer.

  1. Responsibility

8.1 General

The Travel Planner and, where appropriate, the retailer, will respond to the Traveller based on the obligations that correspond to them for their respective area of management of the combined trip, as a result of the non-execution or poor execution of the contract. Said responsibility will cease when any of the following circumstances occur:

That the defects observed in the execution of the contract are attributable to the Traveller

That said defects are attributable to a third party outside the provision of the expected benefits provided for within the contract and are unpredictable or insurmountable in nature.

That the aforementioned defects are due to reasons of force majeure, understood as circumstances beyond those who invoke them, abnormal and unpredictable whose consequences could not have been avoided, despite having acted with due diligence.

That the defects are due to an event that the Travel Planner or the retailer, in spite of having put all the necessary diligence, could not foresee or overcome.

What contributes sufficient cause. The cases in which, despite acting with due foresight and due diligence, cannot provide the contracted services for reasons not attributable to them, shall be considered sufficient cause.

8.2 Responsibility for services not included in the combined trip.

The contractual liability rules of the combined trip are not applicable to features such as excursions, activities, attendance at sports or cultural events, visits to exhibitions or museums, or any other which may be considered similar are also not included in the Programme-Budget accepted, and that the client contracts on an optional basis on occasion to this or during its course.

If the Travel Planner intervenes in the hiring of these benefits, they will respond in accordance with the specific rules of the contract they make.

In the event that the client has contracted the transports outside the scope of the Programme-Budget, neither the Travel Planner nor the retailer will have any responsibility in relation to any delay, cancellation, accident or incident that may occur in relation to such transport, regardless of its cause, without the Traveller or the beneficiaries having anything to ask for or claim for this concept.

Furthermore, neither the Travel Planner nor the retailer will respond as a consequence to the event that any incident related to the transport contracted by the Traveller implies the impossibility of carrying out all or part of the contracted activities, whether the need to delay them, cancel them and, in general, modify any part of the contracted trip plan, without having to return or pay any amount to the client for this event.

The insurance policies contracted by the Travel Planner will not cover any eventuality that, where appropriate, could take place in relation to transport or services contracted directly by the Traveller that were not included in the contract.

8.3 Limits of compensation for damages.

8.3.1 With regard to the limit of compensation for damages resulting from non-compliance or the poor execution of the services included in the combined trip, will be in accordance with current regulations that apply in this matter and especially to the limitations obtained in the Directive, of the International Agreements, in particular the Athens Convention of December 13, 1974, as amended by the London Protocol of November 19, 1976, when applicable, or to the Brussels Convention of 23 April 1970 and other legal provisions in force.

8.3.2 In the absence of specific regulations applicable, and except in cases of bodily harm or damage caused intentionally or through negligence, the amount of compensation may never exceed three times the total price of the trip.

8.3.3. When the airline cancels a flight due to a rescheduling, technical problem, strike, catastrophes, coup d’etat or other abnormal and unpredictable reasons, incurring a long delay, said airline will be solely responsible for providing due assistance and attention to affected passengers and must offer an alternative to passengers, or the reimbursement of tickets or other alternative flights and if it enters the policy of the same; assume the expenses of meals, calls, transport and stopover if applicable, by virtue of what is established in Regulation EEC 261/04, which establishes the common rules on compensation and assistance of air passengers in cases of denied boarding and of cancellation or long delay of flights.

In some cases, certain aviation segments are made with special companies that are not included in the electronic ticket or in the confirmation of the reservation, due to the use of shared codes and alliances between these companies, and the Travel Planner cannot take responsibility for this, since the flights always depend on the issuing company.

Once the check-in at the corresponding airport has been made, the passenger becomes the responsibility of the airline and has to address it in case of delays, cancellations, overbooking, etc. Therefore, we advise that as soon as the change of flight or departure time is communicated, it should be reported through the emergency telephone of the destination recipient, as well as to the Travel Planner via email at In the case of not making such notice, the transfer will not be refunded since the recipient waits at the airport of destination up to 45 minutes after the scheduled time of the passenger’s flight and, therefore, will invoice it. It is the decision of the airlines to carry out some technical route on an unplanned route, due to technical problems, weather, etc., without this being the responsibility of the Travel Planner.

Transfers by seaplane, speedboats and / or domestic flights may see their schedule and duration altered in case of adverse weather conditions, as well as for technical or operational reasons and may sometimes involve connecting routes at intermediate points during the journey, nor can the Travel Planner take responsibility for it, since these types of transfers are managed directly or indirectly by the hotels.

8.3.4 When the trip is made by coaches, trains, boats, seaplanes or any other means of transport contracted directly or indirectly, in the event of an accident, the Traveller must submit the relevant claim against the transport entity in order to safeguard, where appropriate, the insurance compensation of the latter, being assisted and advised free of charge in its efforts by the Organizing Agency. In the case of transfers in special transports such as seaplanes or air planes whose regulations regarding baggage allowance are very strict, with the case of excess baggage by the Traveller, in addition to carrying an additional charge for each kilogram exceeded, it could occur with the circumstance that the luggage is not transported on the same flight as the Traveller, if not on a later one, implying a delay in the arrival of this. It is recommended that the Traveller always carry carry-on luggage to avoid possible inconveniences arising from this delay.

8.3.5 In the event of an accident, regardless of the country where it occurs, the Traveller expressly submits themself to the legislation on road accidents (or other means of transport) of the nation in which the vehicle is registered, therefore being eligible in terms of personal injury that refers to the course of the same, in accordance with the consequent compensation schedule provided for that purpose, and by virtue of which said compensation would be paid to the interested parties, beneficiaries or their legal representatives, in the country of registration of the vehicle and precisely in the legal currency of the same.

  1. Claims to the Travel Planner or the retailer

9.1. Internal procedures for handling claims:

Without prejudice to the legal actions that assist it, the Traveller may make written claims to the Travel Planner or the retailer, as the case may be, for the non-execution or poor execution of the contract. The communication must be made by email to the email address,  within a maximum period of 30 days from the end of the trip.

The claim will be answered as soon as possible and, in any event, before 30 days have elapsed, accepting or rejecting the claim, which in any case will be duly justified.

9.2 Alternative dispute resolution system

In accordance with Regulation (EU) no. 524/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of May 21, 2013, we make available to the client the following link that allows access to the online dispute resolution platform of the European Union:

As well as, through the website of the UK European Consumer Centre, the Traveller can also consult the Consumer Arbitration and follow the corresponding procedures to submit a claim. The Travel Planner is not attached to any arbitration system. However, the Traveller can request it and the Travel Planner will decide on a case-by-case basis if they adhere to it.

  1. Statute of limitations.

In the case of legal actions obtained from the breach of the obligations derived from the Combined Travel Contract, must be prescribed within two years.



  1. Rates with restrictions

Unless the client indicates otherwise, it is understood that he requests the least expensive services. Such services (e.g., “tourist class rates”) may be provided without the possibility of modifying or cancelling them. In such cases, the services may not be provided differently or at a different time or place from those contracted.

  1. Hotels.

2.1 General

The quality and content of the services provided by the hotel will be determined by the official tourist category, if any, assigned by the competent body of your country.

In some cases, information on the category of hotels will be provided in the budget using the classification of stars or similar, although this classification may not be the one in force in the specific country, this is done so that the Traveller can, through equivalence, find out more easily about the services and categories of the establishments, always knowing that such qualification only responds to the assessment made by the Travel Planner.

Given the current legislation in this regard, which establishes only the existence of single and double rooms allowing that in some of the latter a third and fourth bed can be enabled, it will be estimated whenever the use of the third or fourth bed is made with the knowledge and consent of the people who occupy the room.

The usual schedule for entering and leaving hotels is based on the first and last service that the consumer will use. As a general rule and unless expressly agreed otherwise in the accepted budget, the rooms may be used after 14 hours on the day of arrival and must be vacated before 12 hours on the day of departure.

When the contracted service does not include the permanent accompaniment of a guide and in the event that the consumer anticipates their arrival at the hotel or apartment booked on dates or times other than those mentioned, it is necessary, to avoid problems and misinterpretations, to communicate with as much advanced notice as possible of this circumstance to the Organizing Agency, or to the hotel or the apartments directly, as the case may be. Furthermore, you should consult the Travel Planner, at the time of booking, the possibility of bringing animals, as they are generally not admitted to hotels and apartments.

The hotel accommodation service will be understood as provided that the room has been available to the client on the corresponding night, regardless of the fact that, due to circumstances of the combined trip, the time of entry into the same occurs later than initially provided. In the case of bed and breakfast arrangements, unless otherwise specified, the breakfast included in the price of the trip is continental. The hotel may request a credit card from customers upon arrival to cover possible extras not included in the combined travel contract.

2.2 Other Services.

On flights whose arrival at the point of destination takes place after 12:00pm, the first service of the hotel, when included in the contract budget will be dinner. As well as, on flights whose arrival at the point of destination takes place after 19:00pm, the first service of the hotel will be accommodation. Direct airway will always be understood as the one whose documentary support is a single flight ticket, regardless of whether the flight makes a technical stop.

2.3 Supplementary Services.

When users request extra services (for example, room with a sea view, guide in a language other than that of the country of destination, etc.) that cannot be definitively confirmed by the Organizing Agency, the Traveller may choose to permanently withdraw from the requested supplementary service or keep the request in hope for such services to finally be provided. In the event that the parties have agreed to the prior payment of the price of the supplementary services that cannot finally be provided, the amount paid will be reimbursed by the Retail Agency immediately upon withdrawal of the service by the consumer or on the return trip,  in accordance to the Traveller  opting for the withdrawal in the provided service of the requested supplementary service or has maintained the request.

2.4 Hotel management changes

The Travel Planner is not responsible for the changes of Direction / Management of the hotels after contracting the Trip, as well as the repercussions and / or consequent changes that this entails (name, services, category of the establishment, partial closing of the facilities , etc. ..) which, in any case, they will attempt to communicate this to the consumer.

2.5 Apartments

When making the reservation, the client is fully and exclusively responsible for making the correct declaration of the number of people to occupy the apartment, without omitting children regardless of their ages. It is noted that the administration of the apartments can legally refuse to admit the entry of those undeclared persons, there being no place for any claim for that cause. In some cases there is the possibility of enabling extra bed / s / cots, which must be requested by the clients before the contract is concluded, and unless expressly stated otherwise, will not be included in the published price of the apartment. As a general rule, unless expressly agreed otherwise in the contract, the apartments may be used from 17 hours on the day of arrival and must be vacated before 10 hours on the day of departure. The establishment may request a credit card from customers upon arrival to cover possible extras not included in the combined travel contract. In the rental of apartments, in general, the corresponding lease agreement must be signed on the spot according to the model adjusted to the current legislation in this matter and in the place of destination of which, in the event that it is possible and has so been requested in writing by the consumer to the Agency, a copy may be obtained prior to the start of the trip. This contract must be signed by the Traveller, who will pay the corresponding deposit or civil liability insurance to respond to any possible damages, if that is required.

2.6 Special economic conditions for children.

Given the diversity of the treatment applicable to children, depending on their age, the service provider and the date of the trip, it is recommended to always check the scope of the special conditions that exist and that at any time will be subject to specific and detailed information and can be found in the Programme-Budget or in the contract, or in the travel documentation that is delivered at the time of its signature. In general, in terms of accommodation, these will be applicable as long as the child shares the room with two adults. With regard to stays of minors abroad, the information will be provided promptly for each case and may be stated in the contract or in the travel documentation that is delivered when formalizing the reservation.

  1. Excursions

In the excursions, the coaches may vary in their characteristics depend on the number of participants. If a sufficient number of travellers are not reached at any departure, a minibus or “van” may be used, which, unless expressly stated otherwise, does not have reclining seats. Furthermore, in the description of each excursion it is indicated whether or not the coach has air conditioning, it being understood that it is not available if it has not been specified. The transport in the natural parks for the realization of photographic safaris are carried out in a “van” or in 4×4 vehicles characteristic of each country. In all the previous cases, the design, structure, comfort and safety of the transport vehicle may not adapt to British norms and standards, but to those that are typical of the country of destination of the trip.

In the excursions and tours specified in the Programme-Budget, the accommodation service will be provided in one of the related establishments in the same or another of the same category and area, if there is no availability in the first or if there is a change of itinerary and therefore demands it. Furthermore, the itinerary of the excursion may be developed according to any of the options described in the Programme-Budget, and the order of visits may be altered for operational reasons. This lack of definition will not imply modification of the contract.

For all terms and purposes of land transport, unless otherwise specified in the Programme-Budget, it will be understood that the luggage and other personal belongings of the consumer will be conserved with them in whatever part of the vehicle in which they are placed, and that is transported at the consumers own risk. Consumers are recommended to be present in all baggage loading and unloading operations. As for air, rail, sea or river luggage transport, the conditions of the transport companies apply, the ticket being the binding document between the said companies and the passenger. In the event of suffering any damage or loss, the consumer must present, in the act, the appropriate claim to the Transport Company. The Travel Planner undertakes to provide timely assistance to consumers who are affected by any of these circumstances.

  1. Air travel

4.1. General

Air transport may be on a regular airline or on special flights (charter) as specified in the corresponding Programme-Budget.

The regular air transport offered which is included in the price is in the basic class that the airlines have for tour operators, which are limited by the airlines in tourist class for sale by the Combined Travel Travel Planners, with reduced rates that are subject to special contracting conditions, with restrictions that in most cases do not allow refunds, reservation changes or the possibility of endorsement of tickets. If and when requesting a reservation, there are no places in that class, the places in another class with a higher rate or with another airline other than the one offered may be paid with an extra supplement.

The services offered on the days that include air transport will only be included when and if permitted by the departure and arrival times of the flights that are confirmed, which in turn will determine the availability or not of free time or, in the case of the trips that are scheduled after arrival at the destination airport with transportation to another point different from where the airport is located, the existence of a waiting time, depending on the arrival time of the flights in which other consumers are travelling the same route.

It is customary for airlines to have signed agreements with other airlines to jointly operate a flight, so that the plane in which they are travelling may be from another airline other than the one that has been confirmed.

In accordance with the provisions of EEC regulation 2111/2005 the organizing agencies at the time of confirming the reservation will inform the identity of the airlines operating the flights. If the exact identity of the company operating the flight is unknown at the time of booking, the organizing agency will ensure the passengers are informed of the company that the will probably operate the flight. If after confirming the reservation the flight operator has changed, the travel agency will immediately take all appropriate measures to ensure that the passengers are informed as soon as possible.

4.2 Arrival at the airport.

In air travel, the arrival at the airport must be made at least two hours before the official departure time, and in all events the specific recommendations indicated in the travel documentation provided when signing the contract will be strictly followed. It is recommended that the client reconfirms the departure times of the flights twenty-four hours in advance.

4.3 Connecting flights.

Air travel can be made both on direct flights, with or without stops, and on non-direct flights connecting with other flights at different airports, with departure time throughout the day according to the schedule of the different companies.

When there is no connection from the client’s city of origin to that of the start of the international flight, the expenses arising from the overnight stay and transfer will be borne by the client.

  1. Group trips

5.1 Prices

Group travel prices are based on a minimum of 10 people making the entire itinerary together from the point of consolidation, except for those trips where a different minimum is specified. We recommend consulting the particular characteristics of each trip. In the event that the group travels with a number of people greater than the minimum does not imply any reduction in prices.

5.2 Admission and expulsion rights.

The successful development of the trip is based on a normal degree of harmony in the coexistence of the group, a member who disturbs or harms such coexistence can and will be excluded from the group.

5.3 Documentation

In group travel, for reasons of organization and security, the guide may be the bearer of the supporting documentation of accommodation reservations, airline tickets and other services that have been provided.


1.1. Information that must be provided by the Traveller to formalize the reservation

Details of the valid passports at the time of the trip of all the travellers, where the name / s, last name / s, document number, nationality, place and date of issue, as well as the expiration date of the same appears. The Travel Planner may request a copy of said documents and provide it to third parties involved in the trip when necessary for the contracting of certain services. Furthermore, the Travel Planner may also request the details of the National Identity Document or equivalent for the contracting of insurance, issuance of invoices or other procedures necessary for the completion of the trip.

Information on any type of illness, condition, allergy or disability that should be taken into consideration for the correct request of the services or organization of the trip.

Information on the real age of all travellers at the time the trip will take place, mainly in the case of children under 1 year, 11 months and 29 days (INF) or those under 11 years, 11 months and 29 days (CHD) in order to be able to reserve the services according to the prices established for accompanied children. The costs derived from the changes that must be made in reservations or tickets, due to incorrect information of the age or any other detail related to the identity of the passengers, will be borne by the Traveller. The Travel Planner is not responsible for the information that the Traveller does not provide correctly.

Distribution of beds in each type of room: Single, Double with double bed, Double with separate single beds, Double plus extra bed, etc. as well as the room category: Standard, Superior, Junior Suite, Suite, etc.

Name and / or category of the selected accommodations, according to the accepted budget.

Name of the person who will drive the rental car, with a valid driving license issued for more than one year. The costs derived from the changes that must be made in the car reservation, due to incorrect driver information or driver change, will be borne by the Traveller. The Travel Planner is not responsible for the information that the Traveller does not provide correctly.

Neither the Travel Planner nor the retailer, if applicable, will be responsible for the reservation errors attributable to the Traveller or that are caused by unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances.

1.2. Passport, Visa, Administrative and / or health regulations

All consumers, without exception (children included), must take their corresponding personal and family regularized documentation together with their valid passport according to the laws of the country or countries visited. It will be at their expense, when travel requires it to obtain visas, passports, vaccination certificates, etc.

In case of being rejected by any Authority the granting of visas for particular reasons of the user, or being refused entry into the country for lacking the requirements that are required, or for defects in the required documentation, or for not being a carrier of the the same, the Travel Planner declines all responsibility for events of this nature, being borne by the Traveller any expense that arises, applying in these circumstances the conditions and norms established for the cases of voluntary withdrawal of services.

1.2.1 Passport: A valid passport is required for all vacations offered by the Travel Planner, so it is recommended to confirm with the competent issuing authorities if the passports of all the passengers involved in the trip are valid for being able to carry this out. The immigration regulations of some foreign countries require that a Traveller’s passport remains valid for a minimum period of time after the Client enters that country, which can be up to 9 months. If a passenger’s passport is in its last year of validity, it is recommended that the Traveller confirm the destination requirements before making the final trip planning.

The name indicated on the passport must match the name on the ticket; otherwise, the passenger may not be allowed to travel and the insurance has no validity.

If after booking a vacation, but before travelling, there is a change in name of any of the members of the Traveller’s group (e.g., by marriage), this must be notified to the Travel Planner.

Minors travelling abroad alone, if the country allows entry with a National ID card, and the child travelling alone uses it, they must also carry an authorization from the father or mother (or guardian), and if travelling with them, accreditation of the relationship. The authorization, among others, is obtained at any Police Station or Civil Guard post. If the minors do not have a National ID card, or if this is not a valid document to enter the country, they must hold, in any case, a passport. Minors, provided they hold an individual passport, do not require authorization. The family book is in no case a valid document by itself to enter a country.

In the case of people with a non-British passport, they should consult with the competent agencies the current regulations for their nationality, as well as communicate such circumstance to the Travel Planner, for issues to be considered, such as visas, possible health insurance, accidents, cancellation, offers applied in the price of the trip, etc.

1.2.2 Visa: The Client must ensure that he / she meets the immigrant entry requirements and that the necessary documentation, such as passport and visas (transit, work, tourism or others) are valid and that it complies with any other foreign entry requirement.

Additionally, the visa requirements required in countries in transit must be verified.

Entry requirements may vary based on the applicant’s nationality, the reasons for the trip, the duration of the trip, etc. Furthermore, the required requirements may vary over time due to regulatory and / or temporary changes.

The Traveller must consult, prior to booking, the passport and visa requirements, including the approximate time for obtaining visas, as well as specific recommendations according to destination.

Customers must also ensure that they know all the changes that are established in the visa requirements before they begin the trip in case they have suffered variation.

1.2.3 Health: Recommendations on vaccines necessary to travel may change over time, or due to the existence of specific situations in the country of destination, so the Traveller must consult their doctor before leaving. It is the responsibility of the Traveller to ensure that he meets all the sanitary requirements of entry, that he has obtained the recommended vaccinations, takes all the recommended medication and follows the medical advice related to their trip.

1.2.4 Risks in destination countries

Although most of the international trips offered by the Travel Planner are completed without incident, travelling to some destinations may involve a greater risk than others. The Travel Planner urges Travellers to consult all prohibitions, warnings, announcements and advice issued by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office before booking their trip to international destinations.

Due to the event of offering trips to international destinations, the Travel Planner will not be responsible or guarantee that the trip to these places are recommendable or that it does not pose a risk for the Traveller.

In the following link of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, the Traveller can consult everything related to visa requirements, passport, health recommendations and risk levels in the countries of destination:

You can also consult information on the sanitary requirements of entry to the countries of destination in the following link of the National Health Service (NHS) as well as the latter link

For more information on visa, passport, vaccination requirements, etc. We advise Travellers to contact the embassy of the country they intend to travel to. The contact details of the embassies for consultation are also collected on the official British government website.

Non-British citizens should check with their embassy or visa processing office to obtain information regarding the required visa requirements, health recommendations and passport for the country of destination they wish to visit (as well as to return to the country of origin).

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