Information about
Sri Lanka Classic

The classic Tour is an intense tour prepared to learn the most strategic points in Sri Lanka. It combines nature-related trips and cultural visits. Sri Lanka is a country with a vast cultural legacy and a lush vegetation that leave footprint in the heart of who visit. The friendly smile of its inhabitants is another of the treasures hidden in this country.

You will visit places such as Anuradhapura with its well preserved ruins, Mihintale, which is the birthplace of Buddhism, we will see the famous Sigiriya rock fortress, visit famous for its archaeological interest Polonnaruwa and feel amazed by visiting the vast tea plantations of Nuwara Eliya.

You will go to the best preserved natural reserve called the Yala National Park, and you will also intermingle with the culture of this wonderful country and its people.


The trip includes

Traslados -

Airport transfer and hosting with garlands of orchids and flowers.

Alojamiento -

Accommodation in half board regime.

Traslados -

Private vehicles are air-conditioned with driver and guide during the entire Tour.

Tour -

All entries to the places to visit included.

Agua -

A bottle of water of 500 ml per person per day.

Traslados -

Vehicles with free WiFi connection (if this is not possible, a SIM card with data will be provided).

Tasas -

Bed tax, government fees, Service Charge, fuel and service fees.

Seguro -

Travel insurance, with coverage of health care around the world from departure until the date of arrival, included.




Colombo - Dambulla (visits + massage)

Arrival at the Bandaranaike International Airport and welcome by your private guide who will be waiting for you at the exit door after passing the immigration control and collecting the luggage. Presentation of the guide, accommodation in the vehicle and start of the tour, transferring us to Dambulla (140 km, about 3 hours). Depending on the arrival time and how tired you get on the flight, you can stop or not to refresh, eat and whatever you need. Arrival in Dambulla and check in at hotel. We will visit the Temple in the caves of Dambulla (10 km, approx. 15 min), built by King Walagambahu in the 1st century BC. Dambulla is heritage and the most impressive temple-cave of Sri Lanka. The complex of five caves of over 2000 m2 of murals and painted ceilings is the largest area of paintings of this type found in the world. At sunset, we will enjoy a full-body Ayurvedic massage (approx. 45 min), which will help us recover from the fatigue that we have accumulated while we load energy to get into the Buddhist culture.  
Day 1
Day 2

Anuradhapura – Mihintale

Breakfast at the hotel and city tour in Anuradhapura.

Anuradhapura (205Km from Colombo) was the first and largest capital city in Ceylon. It is known for its well-preserved ruins. It is currently protected by UNESCO as a world heritage site, for its archaeological and historical interest. Founded in the century IV B. C. was the capital of the United of Anuradhapura until the start of the IX. Century. During this period it was one of the most stable and lasting centers of political power in South Asia. Today, this ancient city, sacred to Buddhism, whose surrounding monasteries covers an area of more than 40 Km2, is one of the largest archaeological sites in the world.

Afternoon: visit to Mihintale

We will get to know about the city of Mihintale, cradle of the Buddhism in Sri Lanka in the year 247 B. C. Since then it has become a place of great religious and historical significance that annually attracts thousands of pilgrims, mostly in the time of the full moon in June, to mark the official introduction of Buddhism in the country. Legend says that the Mihintale sacred mountain, located 13 km east of Anuradhapura, was sanctified by Buddha. It is considered one of the 16 sacred sites of Sri Lanka. You can enjoy a breathtaking landscape and immerse yourself in this culture. The area includes a monastic complex, stupas, dagobas and a hospital. While some of the buildings are in almost perfect condition, others are in ruins. Return to the hotel in Habarana. Dinner and overnight at the hotel.
Day 3

Sigiriya - Polonnaruwa - Habarana

Por la mañana: Visita a la Fortaleza de la Roca de Sigiriya

Desayuno en el hotel y salida hacia Sigiriya. Ascenderemos a la impresionante Fortaleza de la Roca de Sigiriya, uno de los puntos arqueológicos más importantes de Asia, Patrimonio de la Humanidad. , Construida por el Rey Kashyapa (477-495 DC) en un gran monolito de piedra roja a 180m de altura sobre la jungla, es una ciudadela de belleza extraordinaria que se levanta a 200 metros de la selva. La roca era la más recóndita fortaleza de una ciudad de 70 hectáreas. Hay un foso, una muralla y enormes jardines incluyendo el célebre sistema de riego que rodea la base de la roca. Visitaremos los famosos frescos de las “Divinas Damas” de Sigiriya que se encuentran en un recoveco protegido de la roca, al que se accede por una escalera de espiral. Considerada una de las ocho maravillas del mundo antiguo, hay suficientes restos como para impresionar al visitante con una arrebatadora visión del ingenio y creatividad de los constructores.

Por la tarde: Visita a Polonnaruwa

Tour por la ciudad de Polonnaruwa. Capital medieval de Sri Lanka desde el siglo XI al XIII d.C., la antigua ciudad es considerada la “Joya Renacentista” de la arquitectura Sinhala. Actualmente protegida por la Unesco como patrimonio de la humanidad por su interés arqueológico e histórico. Se encuentran grandes monumentos dispersos en la jungla a orillas de un inmenso pantano, tales como la colosal figura esculpida en roca del Rey Parakramabahu, el Palacio Real, los Salones de Audencias, el formidable Templo de Imágenes de Thuparama, etc. Visitaremos las fabulosas estatuas del Gal Vihara, son tres grandes budas esculpidos en una pared de roca caliza. Finalmente veremos el Nuevo Museo donde se encuentran restos de todos los lugares de la zona. Regreso al hotel de Habarana. Cena y alojamiento en el hotel
Day 4

Dambulla - Kandy

Breakfast in the hotel. Departure for Kandy (70 km, approx. 2 hours), visiting en route the garden of spices from Matale*, where you can enjoy a small massage in your neck (10 min.) with the ancient Ayurvedic techniques and buy spices and seasonings.*** These visit is optional and free. In the afternoon we will ride a tuk tuk through the city of Kandy. Kandy was the last capital of the Kings of Sri Lanka and is heritage. The name “Kandy” conjures up visions of splendor and magnificence. Many of the legends, traditions and folklore are still alive in this city. We will pass around Kandy Lake built by the last Sinhalese King Sri Wickrama Rajasinghe in 1798. You can also visit the Bazaar, a crafts Center, a Museum of precious stones, etc.  * * These visits are optional and free. At sunset we will visit the Dalada Maligawa, Temple of the holy tooth of Buddha. About 19.00 h we will attend the ceremony Pooja, religious tradition which is performed daily by the Maligawa. Finally, we will visit Raja Wasala, complex of the Royal Palace, whose wooden pillars hall dates from the year 1784. Dinner and overnight at hotel in Kandy.
Day 5

Kandy - Peradeniya - Nuwara Eliya (transfer by train)

Breakfast in the hotel. We will visit the Peradeniya Royal Botanical Garden. This Botanical Garden was originally built as a garden of enjoyment by a Sinhalese King and was extended  by the British. Its extension is almost a 60-hectare, offering an incredible variety of trees, plants and flowers, around 4000 species. In the middle of the garden, we find one of the largest collections of orchids in the world. Transfer by car to the train station to catch the train towards Nuwara Eliya. The guide will accompany you to the platform to continue the route by road with your luggage and wait for you again at the platform of the Nanu Oya train station to visit the Nuwara Eliya tea plantations. Nuwara Eliya, due to its healthy climate of mountain and landscape, is the most famous place in Sri Lanka for a mountain holiday. Nuwara Eliya is also the heart of Sri Lanka tea production; a green mantle completely covers these mountains. You can taste a cup of tea from the very heart of Sri Lanka. Dinner and overnight at hotel in Nuwara Eliya.  
Day 6

Nuwara Eliya - Yala Park - Kataragama

Morning: Breakfast and departure towards Kataragama

Breakfast in the hotel and departure to Kataragama. En route we will contemplate the Ravana falls (8 meters). The falls take their name from a former King who, according to legend, ruled Sri Lanka. On our route to the south we will visit Buduruwagala where you can see a group of 7 colossal Buddhist figures facing the cliff; standing in the middle of the thick jungle, carved into the rock between the 8th and 10th B.c.. Its central figure is 16 meters. Registration at the Kataragama hotel.

In the afternoon: Safari in the National Park of Yala (Ruhuna)

At about 15.00 depart on jeep to enjoy a safari in the National Park of Yala (Ruhuna). Yala is the best preserved natural park of Sri Lanka. There you can see all the flora and fauna of the place, the only place where you can see leopards. There are several families of leopards, large numbers of elephants, wild boar, crocodiles, hippos and a great variety of birds. The peculiarity of its coastal geography makes this park a special place, combining all the uniqueness of the jungle with kilometers and kilometers of uninhabited coastline. The safari will last throughout the afternoon, enabling us to see plenty of animals and wonderful landscapes. Back to the hotel from Kataragama. Dinner and overnight at the hotel.  
Day 7

Kataragama – Weligama – Galle – Colombo

In the morning: Visit to Weligama and Galle

Departure to Colombo by the coastal road. Along the way, you will visit Weligama to observe these fishermen’s famous arts. This small town, located in the South of Sri Lanka, with several kilometres of coastline and washed by warm and crystalline waters, is one of those places where time seems to have stopped. In Weligama, we can contemplate the particular way of fishing of these Sinhalese people; they do this standing on some wooden posts planted in the sea and there they spend hours without fish noticing their presence.

In the afternoon: continuation of the route to Colombo

Continuation of the route to Colombo, capital of Sri Lanka. Registration at the selected hotel in Colombo. Accommodation at the hotel.
Day 8

Colombo (Departure from Sri Lanka)

Colombo city tour (optional) and departure from Sri Lanka

Breakfast in the hotel. If your flight leaves in the evening you can go on a tour around the city of Colombo in the morning. It’s the capital of Sri Lanka and there you will see the Independence square, the Fortress, the Bazaar, the Hindu temple, the Cinnamon gardens and the old Parliament. Colombo, as many capitals of developing countries is changing rapidly; though in some parts you can still enjoy the old world charm. Transfer to Colombo airport to take the flight.
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