
Personal data protection policy of Arena Tours

Viajes Arena Tours S.L. wants to maintain a transparent relationship with its clients, informing them of how we collect and securely treat any data we are provided with for the use of our services.

For this we have developed this Privacy Policy (hereinafter the “Policy”) that will allow our clients to consult the information they need or even to clear up any doubts they may have about the treatment we carry out with the personal data provided.

This “Policy” does not apply to third-party websites, including those that can be accessed through a web link from our domain.

1. Treatment Responsibility

Viajes Arena Tours SL, (hereinafter Arenatours) with their registered office at Paseo de la Castellana 259-C, Torre de Cristal Planta 18, 28046 of Madrid (Spain), is the owner of the Internet domain: and responsible for the processing of personal data provided by the Traveller through this website and / or the different means of communication used for budgeting, contracting services and travel management all at the request of the Traveller.

This “Policy” therefore also applies to any environment through which we interact with our customers and request personal data, such as email or postal and telephone.

2. Whose personal data to which this Policy applies?

This privacy policy, in accordance with the regulations of the protection of personal data, describes the treatment, management and purpose in which the personal data of the persons requesting Arenatours to prepare and process one or more budgets and / or the hiring of a trip.

3. Through which sources do we collect personal data?

We collect personal data directly from our clients through our commercial or customer service services and / or through authorized external collaborators who collect data from our clients as treatment managers, as well as through our travel agents and collaborating agencies.

4. Conclusion and Legitimation.

4.1 Arenatours will treat the personal data provided by its customers mainly to manage the preparation of the requested travel budget and, if accepted, for the provision of the contracted services. The legitimation is based on the consent of the owner of the data to the development of a business relationship.

The client who contributed the data of other travellers guarantees that prior to the communication of said persons to Arenatours they have obtained said persons authorization / representation as well as assuming the duty to inform said persons, if legally necessary, of the treatment that Arenatours will carry out with the personal data and the rights that assist you described in this “Policy”.

4.2. If you had contracted a service with our entity and consequently was our client, we may use your data additionally in order to send you promotional information of the company by email in relation to services similar to those that had been hired and / or information related to the same. The treatment will be carried out in compliance with the provisions of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on services of the society of information and electronic commerce. The sending of information about the activity of the company finds its legitimacy in the legitimate interest of Arenatours, responsible for the treatment, being able to express at any time the client’s opposition to this type of treatment, without, in no case exercise this right to affect the maintenance or termination of the contractual relationship that links them with the company. However, the sending of promotional communications finds its legitimacy basis in the consent granted by the interested party.

4.3 When the client expressly accepts the reception of commercial and advertising communications, Arenatours treats the data with this purpose, without, in no case the withdrawal of this consent conditions the execution of the contract or the provision of the services that could have been contracted.

4.4. When the client provides photographs of their trips and authorizes their publication on the website or Social Networks of the entity, Arenatours will treat the data for that purpose, which then will keep them published until a modification of the contents of said networks or WEB is decided , being able to express the client at any time their opposition to this type of treatment. The legitimation of the treatment will be carried out on the basis of the express consent of the client, and the client may nevertheless revoke it at any time.

5. What personal data do we collect?

We collect the data necessary for the management of the requested service, especially:

a) Identification data: Name and surname, data of supporting documents (NIF / Passport), date of birth, nationality, family information, address, telephone and email.
b) Economic, financial as well as insurance data.

6. To whom can we communicate personal data?

It may be necessary to transfer personal data to third parties that provide services associated with the contract, both for its formalization and for its management and execution, such as: medical services and contracting of insurance policies.

Also, for the management of the purposes inherent in the development and fulfilment of the contract, it is necessary to transfer said data to the different providers, such as airlines, hotels and other service providers, who will be obliged to use the data, unique and exclusively, to comply with the object of the contract.

These providers, depending on the country of destination of your trip, may be located in third countries for which it is necessary to make an international data transfer.

Likewise, we inform you that we share the data of our clients with third parties in charge of treatment of Arenatours Travel that perform functions on our behalf (including commercial agents, external consultants and professional advisors, accountants, auditors, IT providers that develop our technological systems or guarantee their security and other processors) when the correct provision of the service requires access to the personal data of our Client, with whom in any case and to guarantee the security of said data, Arenatours will sign the corresponding contract regulating the obligations of each said treatment managers.

In all cases in Viajes Arenatours we ask those companies with whom we share such personal information that apply the same degree of protection of information as we do.

Likewise, this personal information will be available to the Public Administrations, Judges and Courts and other competent authorities for the attention of the possible responsibilities arising from said treatment.

7. International transfers

When the Trip requires upon necessity the transfer of the personal data of our clients to third-party providers located outside the scope of the European data protection regulations, we will then ensure that any transfer of this personal information that we carry out complies with the legislation that is of said application.

In any case, the transfer, storage and management of your personal information by us will always be governed by this Privacy Policy.

8. How long do we store personal data?

We only store personal data to the extent that we need them in order to be able to use them accordingly to the purpose for which they were collected, and appropriately to the legal basis of their treatment as well as keeping in accordance with applicable law.

We will maintain the personal data of our clients while there is a contractual relationship and are necessary for the fulfilment of our legal obligations or for the defence of possible responsibilities that may be required of us.

After these deadlines and in any event after 6 years from the completion of the commercial relationship we will proceed to cancel your data.

If you had expressly authorized the receival of commercial information, we will keep your data as long as you do not exercise your right of deletion.

9. Security measures

We insure to treat personal data in accordance with the provisions of the applicable regulations and, in particular, to (i) treat this data to which we have access, with sufficient guarantees of confidentiality; and (ii) adopt the technical and organizational security measures necessary to avoid alteration, loss and unauthorized treatment or access to said data.

All personal data is stored on secure servers (or secure physical copies) of our property or our subcontractors, and to access and use them our security criteria and policies (or other equivalents of our subcontractors) apply.

Although it is not possible to guarantee absolute protection against intrusion in data transmissions through the internet or from a web, we and our subcontractors make every effort to maintain the necessary physical, electronic and procedural protection measures to guarantee the protection of your information is in accordance with the applicable requirements regarding data protection.

10. Rights that assist our clients:

Finally, we inform you that our clients have the following rights:

Access: You can ask us to provide more details about how we treat your personal data and request a copy of the personal information we have regarding it.
Rectification: You can ask us to change any inaccuracies in the personal data we have.
Deletion: You can ask us to cancel your personal data when we no longer have legal reasons to use it and the relationship that links us has expired.
Limitation of treatment:  You can restrict the processing of your data for one or several specific purposes.
Opposition: You can oppose the processing of data by the company for a specific purpose, provided that such treatment is not necessary for compliance, development and control of the relationship.
Portability of the data: You can ask us to transfer the personal information you have provided to a third party.
You can exercise rights of access, rectification, omission, limitation in the processing, opposition and portability of data, as follows:

By sending an email to the email address or by letter to the address indicated below, accompanying an identity document and referring to the rights they specifically want to exercise.

VIAJES ARENA TORUS SLCIF is B-84916337 and its registered office located in Brompton Park Crescent 258, SW6 1SZ Fulham (London)

Ultimately, you can request information about your rights and file a claim with the UK Data Protection Authority, with address located on Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow SK9 5AF.

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